Israel Hour Radio - July 23, 2017
Ready for RAMI? The talented Mr. Kleinstein is our special guest this week, telling us about the latest addtion to his family, his musical career, his upcoming shows in the US, and more! Plus, of course, the very best in Israeli music, with new songs from Eyal Golan, Hatikvah 6, Cafe Shachor Chazak and more of your favorites!
Rami Kleinstein & Keren Peles |
Lichyot |
Aviv Gefen |
Halleluyah |
Eli Botner & Yaldei HaChutz |
Boker Ya'aleh |
Arik Einstein |
Shabbat BaBoker |
Eyal Golan |
Tavo'i Hayom |
Yardena Arazi |
Lo Lokachat LaLev |
Static & Ben-El Tavori |
Silsulim |
Cafe Shachor Chazak |
Sachkan |
Dudu Aharon |
Terminal 3 |
Hatikvah 6 |
Isha Shel Gever Echad |
Talisman & Maor Edri |
Shlook MiKetzev |
Rami Kleinstein |
Ehavini |
Rami Kleinstein |
Chutz Mimech Kloom |