Israel Hour Radio - January 28, 2017
Every so often, a collection of songs becomes greater than the sum of its parts. This week's playlist, in our humble opinion, is one of those great collections of music where is each song is better than the last. Listen and let us know if you agree!
Shlomi Shabbat |
HaLev |
Roni Dalumi |
Achshav Tori |
Aviv Gefen |
Mi Ani HaYom |
Idan Raichel Project |
Chalomot Shel Acherim |
Adir Getz |
Bidiyuk Kmo SheHee |
Dana Berger |
Lo Lipol |
Danny Sanderson + Mazi Cohen |
Zeh HaKol Bishvilech |
Static + Ben-El Tavori |
Zahav |
Aya Korem |
Mehandeset Machshevim |
Rami Kleinstein |
Anashim Tovim |
Talisman |
Zanzibar |
Meital De Razon |
Lirkod Im HaShedim |
Ivri Lider |
HaKol Bo'er |
Sarit Hadad |
Bli SheBikashti |
HaDag Nachash + Avraham Tal |
Ten Li Mangina |